
FromTheSlumb Interviews New Orleans Artist @Dee1music

When i came across this artist, the most intriguing the about him was his fearlessness of telling the truth. Not to label him as a Christian rapper at all, but the New Orleans native definitely spits that real. Check out our interview below and bump one of my personal favorites as you do so.

1. How did you come up with a name such as Dee1?

--- I started rapping in college, at LSU, a Division I school, D1. And I know I've been chosen to do this, so I'm Thee One... And since my name's David, I'm Dee-1. 

2. From what I've heard, you never use any profanity in your muzik, how hard of a task is that ? 

---It's quite easy. Not hard at all for me. A while ago a loved one challenged me to stop cursing, and once I eliminated it from my vocabulary in real life, it became easy to not curse in my music.

3. Growing up in Louisiana also I understand all the violence and negativity circulating in New Orleans. How did you remain positive & good spirited surrounded by such? 

---Although I grew up in the jungle, I had a great family that instilled a lot of love and positivity in me.

4. What is your view on Government Conspiracies? 

---I don't put much thought into them, because I choose not to worry about things I can't control.

5. How big of a moment was it when Lupe brought you out while performing at LSU? Especially considering the fact he'a one of the best lyricist to ever touch a mic.

--- It was epic when Lupe brought me out at the LSU show, because he's one of the best to touch the mic and because LSU is my Alma-Mater. So when I heard the crowd go crazy, it just brought things full circle for me. All the work I put in while at LSU felt like it culminated in that moment.

6. What are you expecting to get from pursuing a rap career? Would you sign to a major label or are you satisfied with the underground position you're currently in? 

---I just signed with a major label, RCA. I'm happy with the decision I made and in 2014 we're about to make history. 

7. Who are some of your biggest influences in life & why? 

--- My grandfather is my biggest influence. He is the definition of a real man and has everything I would want to have: charisma, integrity, strong relationship with God, confidence, respect, generous spirit, swag. 

8. If you could record with anybody, dead or alive, who would it be & why? 

Nas and Lauryn Hill. They both have soul in their music. I would want to record in the studio with them from scratch, not emailing verses back and forth. I think we would make some great music together. 

9. I really applaud you for openly keeping Christ first in your muzik. Is religion something you've always kept close or more of something you found going through life? 

I've always been religious, but I became spiritual when I started college and began going through the roughest times of my life. 

10. Any S/O's? And what's next for Dee 1 as far as music goes? 

Psalms of David 2 mixtape is out now at datpiff.com... GET THAT!!!

Download his latest mixtape here

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